Gypsyqueen from A-Riverway






 Colour: white



born 13. February 2020

 HCM and GSD4 grandparents and parents negativ

BAER Test: hearing


Picture gallery Gypsy

Gypsyqueen a beautiful, white *furniture*. Also called white witch. Gypsy doesn't trust everyone, but when she does, it's with a bang and a bang. She calls for us when she feels like it and if we want to cuddle, then that's right. Gypsy is definitely not tender. Gypsyqueen has grown into a beautiful, large cat with a great look, well-placed ears with little brushes. Straight profile, strong chin and a character that knows what she wants. It was Gypsy's mother's last litter and I was hoping for a white girl, just for me... It all turned out differently. A lot of a white girl, but not only for me... and?

My daughter's wish to breed her and here she is - Gypsyqueen.
